Do Over

Sunday, September 25, 2005

I feel good
It's a fine day
The way the sun hits off the runway
A cloud shifts
The plane lifts
She moves on

Leaving Singapore. This is the place where I sat outside with a drink and shivered as I realized how lucky i was to be there. i had a jolt, a flash, a sharp intake of something like hope. (The cars in the photo are not an attempt for artsy. My photos always come out this bad)

i like seeing these places by myself. i've loved the constant flow of emails and text messages, making it feel like the people i love are here, too**. including the highschool boyfriend, the boy who gave me my first small taste of the kind of heartbreak i'm swallowing now. he's somehow emerged as a friend in all of this, sending texts from the town we grew up in: 'how was the double decker plane?' 'tell me about the spa' and 'what do you eat in singapore?'

i like knowing one day i'll make these trips with someone else, someone i haven't met.

Interesting facts i'm taking home with me, thanks to my taxi driver: The Singapore government FORBIDS people to live alone. At any age. No matter what. "It's to encourage making a family." He laughed when I gasped and said "But what do people do when they get divorced?" But i wasn't kidding and he didn't answer me. he only said that he won't take a young mistress from china, since then he'd have to kill his wife.

There have been 50 murders in Singapore this year. Cause for high alarm. They've all been domestic, mostly wives and husbands killing and dismembering each other, throwing body parts in the river and local dumpsters. Most involved blackmail and love affairs with young women from Hong Kong and Thailand. I KNEW there was an underbelly here.

**Except for the text message from Lucio yesterday. I haven't decided if it's even worth logging...


At 1:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Text of President Bush's Radio Address to the Nation for Sept. 24
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