Do Over

Sunday, September 18, 2005

As I make my way (c'mon c'mon)
These better nights that seem too long
Now we grieve cause now is gone*
*Shout out to high school mate Jason Stollsteimer

Fuck. You. for smearing your dysfunctional and deluded thoughts on me.

Thanks to this outlet, I’ve a place to dump your words.

Ah. Let’s see. It’s Sunday night. You’re lonely. Or wait, maybe you’re just hungry. Right about now I’d be skipping around the house, taking your clothes out of the laundry to put mine in, asking you to read me a story, asking what you want for dinner.

But tonight, there’s likely nothing in the fridge, nobody to watch Entourage with, nobody to stop and rewind all of Jeremey piven’s scenes a second, third time.

So, you decided to send me an email. I can’t begin to tell you how the world turns red when your name appears in my inbox. Best I can figure is this is your response to my email last week, when you asked me what to do with my mail. I said "assume it’s nothing urgent, hold on to it until we settle."

So. Let’s break it down:

…i keep seeing things that remind me of you.. i was at the place Playtos (is that the name of the place with the used clothes on Clybourn and Webster?) and saw some clothes that I know you would like..i have mentioned this before but the weekends are really tough... we used to have full weekends and i miss doing stuff..

**it’s called plato’s closet. I hate that place. we used to have full weekends because I sprung up on Sunday, excited to spend the day together, and drew us a map.

ok, now for the meat of the matter...

**what? Meat of the matter? Um. I think the “meat of the matter” is that I didn’t realize I knew anyone who said “meat of the matter”

jess, i know you want conclusion and hate being in limbo.. but you have to realize i have barely caught my breath..

**I’m. Not. In. Limbo.

i dont want to drag things out, but lets give this time.. it’s too soon to talk about divorce. i think we can see each other and talk about things.. i dont know whose advice it is to not see me, but i dont get it.. how can we decide life changing decisions for each other like this.. it hasnt been that long.. we have time.. lets not make quick decisions..

**enter delusion interpreter: “whose advice it is not to see me”??!

well. Pretty sure that would apply to everyone I know. You "don’t get it"? "how can we decide life changing decisions for each other?"
I didn’t decide anything for you.
I didn’t decide for you to fuck someone else.
I didn’t decide for you to look me in the eye days before I found out and tell me that I’m “your world.”
I didn’t decide our relationship was suffering due to my failure to bring blond hair and trivia about 1950’s movies “to the table.”
I only decided that our marriage was a train wreck; and I only decided that after presented with solid evidence.

i can understand you not wanting to wait around...but my choice is to wait…see each other and see how things go.. i cant speak for you.. i am not ready to decide anything but i cant help if you are.. thats my two cents..

**My choice is I’m looking for someone with more than two cents I guess. Cause I can’t do shit with that.


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